Mango Slush

Mango slush Mango drink

Mangoes are a rich source of potassium, vitamin C and vitamin A. Mango contains an antioxidant called zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin may play a protective role in eye health and could prevent damage from macular degeneration; an eye condition that gets worse with age.

The fibre, potassium and vitamin content in mangoes all help keep the arteries working and reduce the risk of heart disease. Increasing potassium and decreasing sodium in the diet are among the most important dietary changes required to reduce a person’s risk of high blood pressure.

Mangoes being a good source of vitamins and minerals can contribute to the daily requirement for several nutrients, including vitamins C, A, folic acid, B6, K, and potassium. Mangoes also contribute copper, calcium and iron to the diet.

An amazing recipe for a healthy and tasty summer drink.

Ingredients* for Mango Slush: (Serves: 2)

Large ripe mango: 1 (frozen, peeled and cubed), Ginger juice: 2 t*, Lemon Juice: 2 T**, Ice: crushed


1. Place all the ingredients in a blender.

2. Use only half of the crushed ice.

3. Blend at high speed until smooth.

4. Pour over remaining crushed ice and serve immediately.

You can use strawberries, bananas, or other frozen fruits instead of mangoes in the recipe. Additionally, you can add soda or coconut water to dilute the slush or make it more fluid.

*t: teaspoon, T: tablespoon 

Image by photosforyou from Pixabay